What’s In Our Plans
What’s included
The plans sold on Delta Southern House Plans have a minimum standard by which they must adhere to. All plans sold will have the following:
Floor Plan(s)
- Complete dimensions.
- Provides designation of all rooms, closets, cabinets, stairs, etc.
- Windows and doors clearly indicated with sizing and door swing direction.
- Permanently installed equipment indicated (cabinets, built-ins, plumbing fixtures, HVAC units).
Exterior Elevations
- Front, Rear, Left and Right-side exterior elevations.
- Indicates all exterior finish materials.
- Finished floor lines with vertical dimensions.
- Shows all window and door openings.
Roof Plan
- Perimeter rooflines, hip, valley, and ridge locations.
- All roof pitches, overhangs and necessary dimensions.
Foundation Plan
- Provides Complete dimensions.
- Basement, Slab, or Crawl layout and details where applicable.
- All concrete footings, pad, foundation wall and grade beams should be shown.
Sections or Wall Sections
- Full wall section through house.
- Necessary Framing Details
Miscellaneous Details
- Any misc. details pertaining to the construction and integrity of the house.
- Cabinet elevations
- Door and Window sizes and information.
Electrical Layout
- Indicates schematic layout of all outlets, switches and fixtures.
What’s Not Included
Stamps: Depending on the city, county, and state building requirements, house plans may need to be reviewed by an architect or engineer for structural details and code standards. Contact a local architect or engineer to verify the requirements for your location.
Site Plan: A site plan shows how the house will fit on the lot between the property lines and the setbacks. It also shows the driveway and where parking, drainage easements, utility easements, and walkways should be constructed. Contact a civil engineer or surveyor to obtain the site plan.
Mechanical Drawings: These types of drawings show information about heating, ventilation, and air conditioning. Contact a local HVAC company to obtain mechanical drawings.
Plumbing Drawings: Plumbing drawings show the location of all plumbing materials throughout the house and outside. Contact a local plumbing contractor.
Energy Calculations: Energy calculations determine how energy efficient your new home will be. Contact a local engineer to dictate these calculations.